Falls Prevention


Falls affect a significant number of older Australians, with over one-third of community dwelling people aged 65 years and older falling one or more times every year.

Falls can also result in disability, loss of mobility, reduced quality of life and fear of falling.


Falls defined as “unexpected events in which the partic- ipant comes to rest on the ground, floor, or lower level”.

Risk factors:

  • reduced muscle strength
  • impaired balance and gait

Exercise Prevention: 

ACSM guidelines state that To reduce risk of injury from falls, community-dwelling older adults with substantial risk of falls (e.g. with frequent falls or mobility problems) should perform exercises that maintain or improve balance


  • ACSM/AHA physical activity  guidelines for all adults aged 65+ years and adults age 50–64 years with clinically significant chronic conditions and/or functional limitations

Balance Testing:


Balance exercises:

Otago Exercise programme including:

  • Assessment
  • Resistance program
  • Balance program

  • ESSA position statement Falls prevention: